WDS 19246+5014 BAG 33 (CH Cyg) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
CH Cyg Speckle interferometry can clarify the geometry of this symbiotic
star: adopting a 5750-day period, eccentricity = 0, and distance of
100 pc, and assuming the total mass of the system is small
(Wallerstein, 1983 PASP, 95, 564), we obtain rho ~ 0".07. Joint
speckle interferometric observations with Bonneau and Foy on the 6-m
telescope in October 1981 also failed to disclose the companion. Bag1984a
refcode metd author reference
Bag1984a S j Balega, Y.Y. & Ryadchenko, V.P. 1984SvAL...10...95B
Bag1984a SvAL 10, 95, 1984
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19246+5014 BAG 33 2004 2 25 0.0 9.00 11.10 M7IIIc N 192433.06+501429.1
19246+5014 BAG 33 2018 4 18 0.0 9.00 11.10 M7IIIc N 192433.06+501429.1

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