WDS 02113+4407 ES 2590 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ES 2590 Rectilinear solution by Hartkopf & Mason (2015). WSI2015
refcode metd author reference
WSI2015 Cu j Hartkopf, W.I. & Mason, B.D. 2015AJ....150..130H
WSI2015 +orb AJ 150, 136, 2015
WSI2015 +lin
idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02113+4407 ES 2590 2001 7 131 34.2 9.50 10.70 K2 D 021119.80+440703.6
02113+4407 ES 2590 2002 8 130 34.2 9.50 10.70 K2 D 021119.80+440703.6
02113+4407 ES 2590 2013 9 129 37.9 9.16 11.91 K2 021119.80+440703.6
02113+4407 ES 2590 2015 11 128 38.3 9.16 11.91 K2 021119.80+440703.6
02113+4407 ES 2590 2016 20 128 39.1 9.16 11.91 K2 021119.80+440703.6

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