WDS 18451-6358 BIL 1 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Bil2006 A j Biller, B.A., Kasper, M., Close, L.M., Brandner, W., & Kellner, S. 2006ApJ...641L.141B
Bil2006 ApJ 641, L141, 2006
Bil2007 A j Biller, B.A., Close, L., Masciadri, E., Nielsen, E., Lenzen, R., Brandner, W., 2007ApJS..173..143B
Bil2007 McCarthy, D., Hartung, M., et al.
Bil2007 ApJS 173, 143, 2007
Bil2010 Ac j Biller, B.A., Liu, M.C., Wahhaj, Z., Nielsen, E.L., Close, L.M., Dupuy, T.J., 2010ApJ...720L..82B
Bil2010 +E2 Hayward, T.L., Burrows, A., Chun, M., Ftaclas, C., Clarke, F., Hartung, M., et al.
Bil2010 ApJL 720, 82, 2010
Bil2011 Ag j Biller, B.A., Allers, K., Liu, M., Close, L.M., & Dupuy, T. 2011ApJ...730...39B
Bil2011 +E2 ApJ 730, 39, 2011
Bil2012 Am j Biller, B.A., Lacour, S., Juhasz, A., Benisty, M., Chauvin, G., Olofsson, J., 2012ApJ...753L..38B
Bil2012 Pott, J., Muller, A., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Bonnefoy, M., Tuthill, P.,
Bil2012 Thebault, P., et al.
Bil2012 ApJL 753, 38, 2012
Bil2014 A j Biller, B.A., Males, J., Rodigas, T., Morzinski, K., Close, L.M., Juhasz, A., 2014ApJ...792L..22B
Bil2014 Follette, K.B., Lacour, S., Benisty, M., Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Hinz, P.M.,
Bil2014 Weinberger, A., Henning, T., Pott, J.-U., Bonnefoy, M., & KOhler, R.
Bil2014 ApJL 792, L22, 2014
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18451-6358 BIL 1 2005 3 170 1.2 8.96 13.16 K 184507.07-635747.4
18451-6358 BIL 1 2006 4 177 1.1 12.60   DP 184507.07-635747.4

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