WDS 18412-1731 FEN 34 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Fen1929 Pa - Fender, F.G. 1929AN....235..421F
Fen1929 AN 235, 421, 1929
Fen1932 Ma j Fender, F.G. 1932PUPFA...5a...1O
Fen1932 Pub. Univ. Penn. 5, Pt.1, Sec.3, 1932
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18412-1731 FEN 34 1916 1 342 2.9 12.95 13.46 B 184109.91-173119.7
18412-1731 FEN 34 1999 2 325 3.8 12.95 13.46 B 184109.91-173119.7
18412-1731 FEN 34 2015 4 325 3.8 12.95 13.46 B 184109.91-173119.7

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