Query error (1062) Duplicate entry '846064ab6c905729d7155376dcbc878c9352c825' for key 'PRIMARY'
Line: 159
File: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/dbi.inc.php
Executing script: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
Query: INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('846064ab6c905729d7155376dcbc878c9352c825','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:10:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1714821490;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"22\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:5:\"67955\";}}}}',NOW())
Backtrace: Array
    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/session.inc.php
            [line] => 73
            [function] => dbquery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('846064ab6c905729d7155376dcbc878c9352c825','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:10:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1714821490;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"22\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:5:\"67955\";}}}}',NOW())


    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php
            [line] => 49
            [function] => ses_start
            [class] => my_session
            [object] => my_session Object
                    [id] => 846064ab6c905729d7155376dcbc878c9352c825
                    [sessid] => SESSID
                    [expire] => 240
                    [newses] => 1
                    [values] => Array
                            [REMOTE_ADDR] =>
                            [trace] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [page] => /index2.php
                                            [date] => 1714821490
                                            [GET] => Array
                                                    [menu] => 22
                                                    [iddoppia] => 67955





            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array


    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
            [line] => 22
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php

            [function] => require_once

WDS 16550-3715 VOU 67
WDS 16550-3715 VOU 67 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Vou1908 orb - Voute, J.G. 1908MNRAS..68..563V
Vou1908 MNRAS 68, 563, 1908
Vou1911 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1911AN....190....1V
Vou1911 AN 190, 1, 1911 (also published in Vou1922)
Vou1915 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1915CiUO...27..205V
Vou1915 Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 27, 205, 1915
Vou1918 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1918MNRAS..75..432V
Vou1918 +Pa MNRAS 75, 432, 1918
Vou1918 (most micrometrical measures are also in Vou1925a, all photographic measures are
Vou1918 also in Vou1925b)
Vou1918b Ma - Voute, J.G. 1918MNRAS..78..683V
Vou1918b +Pa MNRAS 78, 683, 1918 (measures are also in Vou1925a)
Vou1919 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1919AnLei..10B...1V
Vou1919 Ann. Leiden Obs. 10, Pt.2, 1919
Vou1922 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1922AnLei..102...1V
Vou1922 Ann. Leiden Obs. 10, Pt.2, 1922
Vou1924 orb - Voute, J.G. 1924BAN.....2..181V
Vou1924 BAN 2, 181, 1924
Vou1925a Ma j Voute, J.G. 1925AnBos...1....3V
Vou1925a Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Pt.3, 1925 (most measures are also in Vou1918)
Vou1925b Pa - Voute, J.G. 1925AnBos...1....3V
Vou1925b +Po Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Appendix, 1925 (all measures are also in Vou1918)
Vou1926 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1926AnBos...1....3V
Vou1926 +Po Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Pt.2, 1926
Vou1927A Ma - Voute, J.G. 1927sdsc.book......
Vou1927A cited in SDS (Southern Double Star Catalog), 1927
Vou1932 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1932AnBos...6....3V
Vou1932 Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.1, A1, 1932
Vou1946 orb - Voute, J.G. .
Vou1946 Riverview Coll. Obs. Pub. 2, 43, 1946
Vou1947a Ma j Voute, J.G., Terkule, Strand, K., van den Bos, W., Wallenquist, A., van Dissel, 1947AnBos...6....3V
Vou1947a +Po Janssen, & Witlox
Vou1947a Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.3, C1, 1947
Vou1947b Ma j Voute, J.G. 1947AnBos...6....1V
Vou1947b Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.4, D1, 1947
Vou1951 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1951RA......2..319V
Vou1951 Vatican Obs. Richerche Astron. 2, 319, 1951
Vou1955 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1955JO.....38..109V
Vou1955 +Po J. Obs. 38, 109, 1955 (a few errata noted in Vou1956)
Vou1956 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1956JO.....39..116V
Vou1956 J. Obs. 39, 116, 1956
Vou9999 Ma j Voute, J.G. ...................
Vou9999 +Po Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16550-3715 VOU 67 1933 2 201 6.0 10.74 14.50 B 165458.76-371431.9
16550-3715 VOU 67 1999 4 199 6.0 10.90 11.10 B R 165458.77-371432.0
16550-3715 VOU 67 2000 3 199 6.1 10.74 14.50 B 165458.76-371431.9
16550-3715 VOU 67 2015 5 198 6.0 10.90 11.10 B R 165458.77-371432.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.