WDS 16348-0412 LMP 14 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LMP 14 G017-025 = G153-067. We do not confirm the Lampens pair using our data Pws1993
and images from the Digitized Sky Surveys. G017-027 is located at
19.616' and PA=36.48 deg. Both G153-067 and G017-027 share a common GJ_1988
proper motion, according to Gliese & Jahreiss. Oso2004
GIC 144 AB = G017-025/G017-027 = GJ 629.2AB.
A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining Ren2013
Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by
Latham et al. (2002). Lat2002
refcode metd author reference
GJ_1988 Pa - Gliese, W. & Jahreiss, H. 1988Ap&SS.142...49G
GJ_1988 Ap&SS 142, 49, 1988 (Third Catalog of Nearby Stars)
Lat2002 orb - Latham, D.N., Stefanik, R.P., Torres, G., Davis, R.J., Mazeh, T., Carney, B.W., 2002AJ....124.1144L
Lat2002 Laird, J.B., & Morse, J.A.
Lat2002 AJ 124, 1144, 2002
Oso2004 C j Zapatero Osorio, M.R. & Martin, E.L. 2004A&A...419..167Z
Oso2004 +Pa A&A 419, 167, 2004
Pws1993 Pa - Pauwels, T. & Lampens, P. 1993BAORB..10..216P
Pws1993 Bull. R. Astron. Obs. Belgium 10, 216, 1993
Ren2013 orb - Ren, S. & Fu, Y. 2013AJ....145...81R
Ren2013 AJ 145, 81, 2013
idgroup discov author
1 DSG DSSI-Gemini (see Hor2012b)
1 GIC Giclas, H., Burnham, R. & Thomas, N.
6 LMP Lampens, P. & Strigachev, A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16348-0412 LMP 14 AC 1951 1 301 75.6 9.63 13.50 N 163442.35-041344.5
16348-0412 LMP 14 AC 1999 2 321 92.8 9.67 13.10 G5V N D 163442.35-041344.3
16348-0412 LMP 14 AC 2000 3 321 93.3 9.67 13.10 G5V N D 163442.35-041344.3

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