WDS 16270-2446 CST 6 Aa,Ab : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HER 17 IR sources in rho Oph cloud. AB = HBC 262 = YLW 3AB. Her1962
A component = GY 168 = SR 24N, B = GY 167 = SR 24S.
1949.: Noted as double, apparently seen on plate from Ross "Atlas of
the Milky Way"
refcode metd author reference
Her1962 Pa - Herbig, G.H. 1962AdA&A...1...47H
Her1962 Advances Astron. Astrophys. 1, 47, 1962
Her1962 (Exact dates, telescopes, and techniques not given. Default date = decade of
Her1962 publication added.)
idgroup discov author
1 COR Correia, S. & Richichi, A.
4 COR Correia, S., Duchene, G., Reipurth, B., Zinnecker, H., Daemgen, S., Petr-Gotzens,
4 COR M.G., Kohler, R., Ratzka, Th., Aspin, C., Konopacky, Q.M., & Ghez, A.M.
5 CST Costa, A., Jessop, N.E., Yun, J.L., Santos, C.A., Ward-Thompson, D., & Casali, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16270-2446 CST 6 Aa,Ab 1996 1 38 0.1 11.56   162658.53-244535.3

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