WDS 16256-2327 BU 1115 DE : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
H 2 19 H II 19. rho Oph = 5 Oph. Spectrum of D: B3/4V. Based on the long term
double star measures, the Tycho-2 proper motion is not correct. The VlF2007
proper motion from the new Hipparcos reduction is given here.
refcode metd author reference
Nov2007b orb - Novakovic, B. 2007BaltA..16..435B
Nov2007b Baltic Astron. 16, 435, 2007
VlF2007 - van Leeuwen, F. 2007A&A...474..653V
VlF2007 A&A 474, 653, 2007
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
179 KOU Kouwenhoven, M.B.N., Brown, A.G., Zinnecker, H., Kaper, L., & Portegies Zwart, S.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16256-2327 BU 1115 DE 1991 18 318 0.4 7.04 8.65 B5V VD 162524.29-232736.6
16256-2327 BU 1115 DE 2000 19 286 0.3 6.81 8.42 B5V NVD 162524.29-232736.6
16256-2327 BU 1115 DE 2017 20 200 0.2 6.81 8.42 B5V NO V 162524.29-232736.6
16256-2327 BU 1115 DE 2018 21 196 0.3 6.81 8.42 B5V NO V 162524.29-232736.6

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