WDS 01450+4414 BJN 18 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
BJN1986 Pa - Bahcall, J.N., Jones, B.F. & Ratnatunga, K.U. 1986ApJS...60..939B
BJN1986 ApJS 60, 939, 1986
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01450+4414 BJN 18 1999 6 182 25.9 10.80 10.30 UD 014459.41+441344.0
01450+4414 BJN 18 2000 1 182 25.8 10.80 10.30 U 014459.41+441344.0
01450+4414 BJN 18 2010 7 182 25.8 10.80 10.30 UD 014459.41+441344.0
01450+4414 BJN 18 2015 10 182 25.7 10.95 10.42 U 014459.41+441344.0

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