WDS 15348+1032 STF 1954 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF1954 del Ser = 13 Ser. A premature orbit has been computed. Fat1941
The primary is a Delta Scuti-type variable.
Measure of 1927.40 made by triangulation of multiple measures. Sha1929
See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
A very faint pair CD (mag. about 14 estimated by Burnham, 4") is 65"
distant and may be physical.
1995.556: Absolute quadrant determined by triple-correlation technique Pru2002b
AB: H 1 42. MEv2010
refcode metd author reference
Baz1989d - Baize, P. & Petit, M. 1989A&AS...77..497B
Baz1989d A&AS 77, 497, 1989
Fat1941 Ma - Fatou, P. 1941JO.....24...29F
Fat1941 J. Obs. 24, 29, 1941
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
Pru2002b S j Prieur, J.-L., Koechlin, L., Ginestet, N., Carquillat, J.-M., Aristidi, E., 2002ApJS..142...95P
Pru2002b Scardia, M., Arnold, L., Avila, R., et al.
Pru2002b ApJS 142, 95, 2002
Sha1929 Pa - Shajn, G. .
Sha1929 Bull. Obs. Pulkova #103, 199, 1929
idgroup discov author
1 SMR Schlimmer, J.
56 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15348+1032 STF1954 AC 1959 3 14 65.2 4.17 14.70 F0IV N D 153448.19+103219.9
15348+1032 STF1954 AC 2000 4 17 67.7 4.17 13.90 F0IV N D 153448.14+103220.0
15348+1032 STF1954 AC 2001 5 18 66.4 4.17 13.90 F0IV N D 153448.14+103220.0
15348+1032 STF1954 AC 2013 6 18 66.8 4.17 13.90 F0IV N 153448.14+103220.0
15348+1032 STF1954 AC 2014 7 18 66.6 4.17 13.90 F0IV N 153448.14+103220.0

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