WDS 11319-3436 LWR 2 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ZUC 1 Aa,Ab: Magnitudes in J,H,K by Konacki et al. (2007) based on 2MASS Kon2007
combined magnitudes plus their flux ratios. They determine both
components have spectral type M1.5 +/- 0.5; log (Temp) for both is
3.56 +/- 0.01 K, intermediate between temperatures expected for dwarf
and giant stars, thus appropriate for PMS stars. Log (Luminosity) for
Aa and Ab are -0.80 +/- 0.08 and -0.84 +/- 0.08 Lsun, respectively.
Aa,Ab: Schmidt et al. (2008) analyzed all available astrometry and Sdt2008c
concluded TWA 5 exhibited orbital motion, refuting conjecture that
companion was a background object.
LWR 2 This system has been identified as a member of the TW Hya association
(Kastner et al. 1997 Science 277, 67) and is known as TWA 5. It
contains a previously known brown dwarf TWA 5B, first suggested by
Lowrance et al. (1999) and later confirmed by e.g. Brandeker et al. Lwr1999
(2003). The latter also reported the presence of a close companion Bnk2003
TWA 5Ab at 54 mas from the primary, independently detected by
Macintosh et al. (2001). We detect TWA 5B in our AstraLux data, but MBA2001
not TWA 5Ab, which implies that the projected separation was probably
smaller in 2010 than it was in 2000. The orbit of TWA 5Aa/Ab has been
analyzed in detail by Konopacky et al. (2007). Using the orbital Kon2007
parameters that they determine, we deduce that at epoch 2010.11, the
projected separation should be only about 18 mas, which is well
consistent with our non-detection of TWA 5Ab. We use the best-fit
total mass of 0.71Msun for TWA 5Aa/Ab from Konopacky et al. Jnn2012
Kohler et al. (2013) derive new orbits and masses for the young triple
system TWA 5. System mass for the close pair ZUC 1Aa,Ab is 0.90 +/-
0.1 Msun; system mass for the AB pair is 1.1 +/- 0.1 Msun. Koh2013
refcode metd author reference
Bnk2003 A j Brandeker, A., Jayawardhana, R., & Najita, J. 2003AJ....126.2009B
Bnk2003 AJ 126, 2009, 2003
Bnk2003 (slight correction to 2001.145 theta and its error given by Neuhauser et al. 2010) 2010A&A...516A.112N
Jnn2012 Cl j Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Hippler, S., Daemgen, S., 2012ApJ...754...44J
Jnn2012 +E2 Kudryavtseva, N., Schmalzl, E., Schnupp, C., & Henning, T.
Jnn2012 ApJ 754, 44, 2012 (some recalibrated measures published in Jnn2014b) 2014ApJS..214...17J
Koh2013 A j Koehler, R., Ratzka, T., Petr-Gotzens, M.G., & Correia, S. 2013A&A...558A..80K
Koh2013 +orb A&A 558, A80, 2013
Kon2007 Si j Konopacky, Q.M., Ghez, A.M., Duchene, G., McCabe, C., & Macintosh, B.A. 2007AJ....133.2008K
Kon2007 +A AJ 133, 2008, 2007
Kon2007 +orb
Lwr1999 Hn j Lowrance, P.J., McCarthy, C., Becklin, E.E., Zuckerman, B., Schneider, G., 1999ApJ...512L..69L
Lwr1999 +Ci Webb, R.A., Hines, D.C., Kirkpatrick, J.D., et al.
Lwr1999 +C ApJ 512, L69, 1999
MBA2001 A j Macintosh, B.A., Max, C., Zuckerman, B., Becklin, E.E., Kaisler, D., Lowrance, P., 2001ASPC..244..309M
MBA2001 +Si Weinberger, A., Christou, J., Schneider, G., & Acton, S.
MBA2001 "Young Stars Near Earth: Progress and Prospects", ASP Conf. 244, 309, 2001
MBA2001 (slight correction to 2001.138 theta error given by Neuhauser et al. 2010) 2010A&A...516A.112N
Sdt2008c A - Schmidt, T.O.B., Neuhauser, R., & Mugrauer, M. 2008IAUS..248..126S
Sdt2008c +orb IAU Symp 248, 126, 2008
idgroup discov author
1 ZUC Zuckerman, B. & Becklin, E.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11319-3436 LWR 2 AB 2000 5 359 2.0 8.80 15.80 113155.26-343627.4
11319-3436 LWR 2 AB 2008 10 356 1.9 8.80 15.80 M1.5 M8.5 N D 113155.26-343627.4
11319-3436 LWR 2 AB 2010 12 355 1.9 7.70 12.60 M1.5 M8.5 N DK 113155.26-343627.4
11319-3436 LWR 2 AB 2013 17 355 1.9 7.70 12.60 M1.5 M8.5 N K 113155.26-343627.4
11319-3436 LWR 2 AB 2018 19 352 1.8 7.70 12.60 M1.5+M8.5 NO K 113155.26-343627.4

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