WDS 09182-0036 HJ 126 (HD 80164) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 126 STF1337. Pettit refers to his 1915 observation as of HJ 126, but Ptt1917
gives the cryptic note "Hard to identify with H star 1820. P.A. too
small, distance too great." It appears to be a measure of the HJ pair,
but typographically mangled. Earlier catalogued as PTT 25.
refcode metd author reference
Ptt1917 Ma - Pettit, E. 1917AJ.....30..167P
Ptt1917 AJ 30, 167, 1917
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09182-0036 HJ 126 2003 15 32 29.6 8.49 10.03 K5 NYD 091812.62-003627.9
09182-0036 HJ 126 2013 18 32 30.1 8.49 10.03 K5 NY 091812.62-003627.9
09182-0036 HJ 126 2015 19 33 30.0 8.49 10.03 K5 NY 091812.62-003627.9
09182-0036 HJ 126 2016 21 33 30.2 8.49 10.03 K5 NY 091812.62-003627.9

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