WDS 08281-6234 SWR 46 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
SWr1972 Xg - Stock, J. & Wroblewski, H. 1972A&A....18..341S
SWr1972 A&A 18, 341, 1972
SWr1997 Po - Stock, M.J. & Stock, J. 1997RMxAA..33...83S
SWr1997 +Pa RevMexA&A 33, 83, 1997
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08281-6234 SWR 46 2000 4 214 29.0 11.20 11.60 F6V F6V N D 082808.77-623423.3
08281-6234 SWR 46 2010 6 214 29.2 11.27 11.62 F6V+F6V U 082808.77-623423.3
08281-6234 SWR 46 2015 7 213 29.3 11.27 11.62 F6V+F6V U 082808.77-623423.3

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