WDS 07021+2148 CHR 215 (HD 52422) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
CHR 215 First detected as an occultation binary by Evans & Edwards. Evn1983a
V335 Gem. Primary is eclipsing binary of Algol-type, period 1.76782d. Zas2014
refcode metd author reference
Evn1983a O j Evans, D.S. & Edwards, D.A. 1983AJ.....88.1845E
Evn1983a AJ 88, 1845, 1983
Zas2014 - Zasche, P. ...................
Zas2014 private communication, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 CHR Center for High Ang. Res. Astronomy (speckle interferometry systems)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07021+2148 CHR 215 1999 3 257 0.1 8.00 8.30 B9 N D 070205.53+214753.1
07021+2148 CHR 215 2008 4 218 0.1 8.00 8.30 B9 N D 070205.53+214753.1

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