WDS 06598+0037 GAU 4919 (HD 292897) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GAU4919 J 1984. BAL 1065.
refcode metd author reference
Gau1923 Ma - Gauchet, P.L. 1923JO......6...73G
Gau1923 J. Obs. 6, 73, 1923
Gau1925 Ma - Gauchet, P.L. 1925AJ.....36...67G
Gau1925 +Pa AJ 36, 67, 1925
Gau1925b Pa j Gauchet, P.L. 1925JO......8...65G
Gau1925b +Ma J. Obs. 8, 65, 1925
Gau1926a Pa - Gauchet, P.L. .
Gau1926a +Po Ann. Shanghai Obs. Zo-Se 14, 131, 1926
Gau1926b Ma - Gauchet, P.L. 1926AJ.....37...47G
Gau1926b AJ 37, 47, 1926
Gau1928 Pa - Gauchet, P.L. 1928JO.....11..112G
Gau1928 J. Obs. 11, 112, 1928
Gau1932A - Gauchet, P.L. 1932QB821.A43......
Gau1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06598+0037 GAU4919 2005 9 269 6.3 10.20 10.70 F5 N D 065945.65+003634.9
06598+0037 GAU4919 2010 11 267 6.2 10.20 10.70 F5 N 065945.65+003634.9
06598+0037 GAU4919 2015 12 269 6.3 10.20 10.70 F5 N 065945.65+003634.9
06598+0037 GAU4919 2016 16 269 6.3 10.20 10.70 F5 N 065945.65+003634.9

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