WDS 06024+0939 BU 1056 AB,C : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 2715 mu Ori = 61 Ori. Alden (1942) orbit is visual. P, T, e in Osvald's Ald1942
(1964) astrometric orbit are taken from a revised visual orbit by Osv1964
Alden (cf Osvald's paper); the revised a = 0.254". The different types
of orbits cause the longitude of the node to be in opposite quadrants.
Star A is an Alpha CVn variable and SB1, P = 4.45 d; star B is SB2,
P = 4.78 d (F. Fekel 1980). Fek1980b
See discussion by Morgan et al. (1978). BLM1978
See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
Only elements P and T have been amended by Starikova (1977) from the Sta1977a
orbit of Alden (1942). Ald1942
Combined spectroscopic/astrometric solution by Fekel et al. (2002) for Fek2002
the wide pair of this quadruple system, plus spectroscopic orbits for
both short-period pairs. The solution includes mass and distance
mu Ori Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and Mut2008
radial velocity data to derive an orbit for the AB pair of this
quadruple system, as well as the Aa,Ab and Ba,Bb subsystems. Listed
solution assumes L_Aa > L_Ab and L_Ba > L_Bb; other assumptions result
in some changes of angular elements. The parallax of the system is
determined at 21.69 +/- 0.13 mas (distance 46.11 +/- 0.28 pc), with
semimajor axes for AB; Aa,Ab; and Ba,Bb of 12.620 +/- 0.057, 0.07659
+/- 0.00058, and 0.07780 +/- 0.00036 au, respectively. Other derived
quantities for the four components are as follows:
Star Mass (Msun) M_K (mag)
Aa 2.38 +/- 0.11 1.03 +/- 0.26
Ab 0.652 +/- 0.097 >4.58
Ba 1.389 +/- 0.019 1.72 +/- 0.26
Bb 1.356 +/- 0.019 2.02 +/- 0.26
refcode metd author reference
Ald1942 orb - Alden, H.L. 1942AJ.....50...73A
Ald1942 AJ 50, 73, 1942
Baz1989d - Baize, P. & Petit, M. 1989A&AS...77..497B
Baz1989d A&AS 77, 497, 1989
BLM1978 S j Morgan, B.L., Beddoes, D.R., Scaddan, R.J. & Dainty, J.C. 1978MNRAS.183..701M
BLM1978 MNRAS 183, 701, 1978
Fek1980b - Fekel, F.C. 1980PASP...92..785F
Fek1980b PASP 92, 785, 1980
Fek2002 orb - Fekel, F.C., Scarfe, C.D., Barlow, D.J., Hartkopf, W.I., Mason, B.D., & 2002AJ....123.1723F
Fek2002 McAlister, H.A.
Fek2002 AJ 123, 1723, 2002
Mut2008 Kp j Muterspaugh, M.W., Lane, B.F., Fekel, F.C., Konacki, M., Burke, B.F., 2008AJ....135..766M
Mut2008 +orb Kulkarni, S.R., Colavita, M.M., Shao, M., & Wiktorowicz, S.J.
Mut2008 AJ 135, 766, 2008 (all observations supplanted by Mut2010a) 2010AJ....140.1579M
Osv1964 orb - Osvalds, V. 1964PMcCO..11..175O
Osv1964 Pub. McCormick Obs. 11, 175, 1964
Sta1977a orb - Starikova, G.A. 1977ATsir.961....7S
Sta1977a Astron. Tsirk. #961, 7, 1977
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
312 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06024+0939 BU 1056 AB,C 2008 8 285 18.9 4.30 14.00 A2V N 060222.99+093850.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.