WDS 05575+5841 RAS 2 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Ras2007 S j Rastegaev, D.A., Balega, Yu.Yu., & Malogolovets, E.V. 2007AstBu..62..251R
Ras2007 Astrophys. Bull. 62, 251, 2007 (measures recalibrated and republished in Ras2008)
Ras2008 S j Rastegaev, D.A., Balega, Yu.Yu., Maksimov, A.F., Malogolovets, E., & Dyachenko, V. 2008AstBu..63..278R
Ras2008 Astrophys. Bull. 63, 278, 2008
Ras2014 S j Rastegaev, D.A., Balega, Y.Y., Dyachenko, V.V., Maksimov, A.F., & Malogolovets, E. 2014AstBu..69..296R
Ras2014 Astrophys. Bull. 69, 296, 2014
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05575+5841 RAS 2 2006 1 125 0.8 10.70 12.70 D 055728.58+584048.6

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