WDS 05523+1253 J 1090 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COU2704 BD: Couteau erroneously calls this AD. Cou1958c
refcode metd author reference
Cou1958c Ma j Couteau, P. 1958JO.....41...81C
Cou1958c +Mc J. Obs. 41, 81-90, 1958
idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05523+1253 J 1090 AB 1997 5 5 74.7 8.40 12.10 A0 D 055215.36+125242.0
05523+1253 J 1090 AB 1999 6 5 74.8 8.81 12.53 A0 N D 055215.36+125241.9
05523+1253 J 1090 AB 2000 7 5 75.1 8.80 12.70 A0 N D 055215.36+125241.9
05523+1253 J 1090 AB 2015 8 5 75.3 9.28 12.67 A0 N 055215.36+125241.9

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