WDS 05287-6527 RST 137 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
RST 137 The primary is AB Dor, a rapidly rotating, spotted star which shows
both X-ray flares and microwave emission.
CLO 10 Aa,Ab: Close et al. discovered a companion to the A component at a Clo2005
separation of 0".156, which they refer to as the A and C components
(the companion was labelled as C when detected as an astrometric
reflex motion of AB Dor in observations by VLBI and Hipparcos).
Based on the astrometric orbit and the AO resolution, the mass of the
Ab companion is estimated at 0.090 +/- 0.005 Msun, just above the mass
of a brown dwarf. AO spectroscopy yields a spectral type of M8 +/- 1.
Mass of Aa & Ab = 0.90(0.08) & 0.090(0.008) \msun. Model comparison Azu2017
gives age of Aa & Ab = 40-50 Myr & 25-120 Myr.
SHY 27 AC: HIP 25647 + HIP 31878. C component = C component of 06225-6013
and 06380-6132.
AD: HIP 25647 + HIP 22738. D component = A component of 04535-5551.
AE: HIP 25647 + HIP 26373. E component = A component of 05369-4758
= D component of 06225-6013.
CLO 10 Ba,Bb: Close et al. also resolved the B component into a 66mas pair. Clo2005
Spectral types of Ba and Bb are estimated by Janson et al. at M5 and Jnn2007
M5-6, masses at 0.13-0.2 and 0.11-0.18 Msun.
Aa is a rapidly-rotating spotted star (0.09 mag variability in V). Boc2008
Close et al. (2007) find spectral types for Aa, Ab, Ba, and Bb of K1, Clo2007b
M5.5 +/- 1.0, M3.5 +/- 1.5, M4.5 +/- 1.5. Masses are 0.865 +/- 0.034,
0.090 +/- 0.005, <0.25, <0.15 Msun; the system age is 75 +/- 25 Myr
and the distance 14.9 +/- 0.1 pc.
Ba,Bb: Wolter et al. (2014) made a multiwavelength study of AB Dor
Ba,Bb. They derive effective temperatures 3260-3360 and 3200-3300K for
Ba and Bb, respectively. Predicted system mass is 0.45-0.71 Msun,
age 50-100 Myr. (Ed note: Inclination for Wolter et al orbit (182deg) WoU2014
appears to be off by 90deg; changed to 92deg in orbit catalog)
Ba,Bb: Azulay et al. (2015) derive an orbit for AB Dor B, yielding a
parallax of 66.4 +/- 0.5 mas, as well as component masses for Ba and
Bb of 0.28 +/- 0.05 and 0.25 +/- 0.05 Msun. Azu2015
refcode metd author reference
Azu2015 K j Azulay, R., Guirado, J.C., Marcaide, J.M., Marti-Vidal, I., Ros, E., Jauncey, D., 2015A&A...578A..16A
Azu2015 Lestrade, J.-F., Preston, R.A., Reynolds, J.E., Tognelli, E., & Ventura, P.
Azu2015 A&A 578, A16, 2015
Azu2017 Ao+ - Azulay, R., Guirado, J.C., Marcaide, J.M., Marti-Vidal, I., Ros, E., Tognelli, E., 2017A&A...607A..10A
Azu2017 +orb Jauncey, D.L., Lestrade, J-F. & Reynolds, J.E.
Azu2017 A&A 607, A10, 2017
Boc2008 Ao j Boccaletti, A., Chauvin, G., Baudoz, P., & Beuzit, J.-L. 2008A&A...482..939B
Boc2008 A&A 482, 939, 2008
Clo2005 A j Close, L.M., Lenzen, R., Guirado, J.C., Nielsen, E.L., Mamajek, E.E., 2005Natur.433..286C
Clo2005 +Ao Brandner, W., Hartung, M., Lidman, C., & Biller, B.
Clo2005 Nature 433, 286, 2005
Clo2007b Ao u Close, L.M., Thatte, N., Nielsen, E.L., Abuter, R., Clarke, F., & Tecza, M. 2007ApJ...665..736C
Clo2007b ApJ 665, 736, 2007
Jnn2007 A j Janson, M., Brandner, W., Lenzen, R., Close, L., Nielsen, E., Hartung, M., 2007A&A...462..615J
Jnn2007 Henning, T., & Rouy, H.
Jnn2007 A&A 462, 615, 2007
WoU2014 A j Wolter, U., Czesla, S., Fuhrmeister, B., Robrade, J., Engels, D., Wieringa, M., & 2014A&A...570A..95W
WoU2014 +orb Schmitt, J.H.M.M.
WoU2014 A&A 570, A95, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
14 SHY Shaya, E.J. & Olling, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05287-6527 RST 137 AB 2004 3 350 9.1 6.80 13.00 K1IIIp N D 052844.78-652656.2
05287-6527 RST 137 AB 2005 5 346 8.9 6.80 13.00 K1IIIp NVD 052844.78-652656.2
05287-6527 RST 137 AB 2015 6 347 8.9 7.03 13.20 K1IIIp NV 052844.83-652654.8
05287-6527 RST 137 AB 2016 7 347 8.9 7.03 13.20 K1IIIp NV 052844.83-652654.8

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