WDS 04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GHE 13 Ab1,Ab2: Second and third Schaefer et al. (2006) orbits for Elias 12 Sfr2006
Na-Nb include a lunar occultation measure by Simon et al. (1995) Smn1995
Schaefer et al. (2012) derive spectral types, Teff, luminosities, and
masses for the Aa, Ab1, and Ab2 components (assuming a distance of
140pc for M and L) as follows:
Aa: K7 4060K 1.05 +/-0.20 Lsun 1.040+/-0.016 Msun (Mtotal)
Ab1: M2 3560 0.447+/-0.058 0.564+/-0.018
Ab2: M2-M2.5 3560 0.356+/-0.038 0.476+/-0.017 Sfr2012
Aa,Ab: V807 Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. Dae2015
HAT 9 AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962). Her1962
GHE 12 Ba,Bb: GH Tau. Young member of Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud. Dae2015
refcode metd author reference
Dae2015 A j Daemgen, S., Bonavita, M., Jayawardhana, R., Lafreniere, D., & Janson, M. 2015ApJ...799..155D
Dae2015 ApJ 799, 155, 2015
Her1962 Pa - Herbig, G.H. 1962AdA&A...1...47H
Her1962 Advances Astron. Astrophys. 1, 47, 1962
Her1962 (Exact dates, telescopes, and techniques not given. Default date = decade of
Her1962 publication added.)
Sfr2006 Hf j Schaefer, G.H., Simon, M., Beck, T.L., Nelan, E., & Prato, L. 2006AJ....132.2618S
Sfr2006 +A AJ 132, 2618, 2006
Sfr2006 (information slightly updated using information from Sfr2012. Photometry of DF Tau
Sfr2006 = 04271+2542 = THB 1 corrected and converted to V-band by Allen et al. 2017) 2017ApJ...845..161A
Sfr2012 orb j Schaefer, G.H., Prato, L., Simon, M., & Zavala, R.T. 2012ApJ...756..120S
Sfr2012 +A ApJ 756, 120, 2012
Sfr2012 +Hf
Smn1995 O j Simon, M., Ghez, A., Leinert, Ch., Cassar, L., Chen, W.P., Howell, R.R., Jameson, 1995ApJ...443..625S
Smn1995 R.F., Matthews, K., et al.
Smn1995 ApJ 443, 625, 1995
idgroup discov author
1 GHE Ghez, A.M., Neugebauer, G., Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews,
1 GHE K., Koresko, C., & Beckwith, S.
14 GHE Ghez, A.M., Duchene, G., Matthews, K., Hornstein, S.D., Tanner, A., Larkin, J.,
14 GHE Morris, M., Becklin, E.E., et al.
15 GHE Ghez, A.M., Salim, S., Hornstein,S.D., Tanner, A., Lu, J.R., Morris, M.,
15 GHE Becklin, E.E., & Duchene, G.
16 GHE Boehle, A., Ghez, A.M., Schodel, R., Meyer, L., Yelda, S., Albers, S.,
16 GHE Martinez, G.D., Becklin, E.E., Do, T., Lu, J.R., Matthews, K., Morris, M., et al.
17 HAT Hartigan, P., Strom, K., & Strom, S.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab 1998 15 323 0.3 11.20 12.10 M N D 043306.62+240954.9
04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab 2005 29 310 0.3 11.20 12.10 M N D 043306.62+240954.9
04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab 2009 17 303 0.4 12.40 14.10 K5 M2.0 N 043306.62+240954.9
04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab 2012 18 290 0.2 12.40 14.10 K5 M2.0 NV 043306.62+240954.9
04331+2410 GHE 13 Aa,Ab 2013 19 285 0.3 12.40 14.10 K5+M2.0 NV 043306.62+240954.9

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