WDS 04285+1742 GUE 5 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GUE 5 The spectroscopic solution of this 7022-d pair determined by Griffin. Grf2012b
refcode metd author reference
Grf2012b not - Griffin, R.F. 2012JApA...33...29G
Grf2012b J Astrophys Astron 33, 29, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 GUE Guenther, E.W., Neuhauser, R., Huelamo, N., Brandner, W., & Alves, J.
2 GUE Guenther, E.W., Neuhauser, R., Wuchterl, G., Mugrauer, M., Bedalov, A. &
2 GUE Hauschildt, P.H.
3 GUE Guenther, E.W., Paulson, D.B., Cochran, W.D., Patience, J., Hatzes, A.P., &
3 GUE Macintosh, B.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
04285+1742 GUE 5 2004 1 79 1.6 9.20 10.50 DK 042828.77+174145.3
04285+1742 GUE 5 2014 3 75 1.7 9.20 10.50 M0.5Ve N K 042828.77+174145.3

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