WDS 15492-3539 FMR 248 Aa,C : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
NHR 8 GQ Lup
Primary is L1, age < 2 Myr. Radius of secondary may be ~2 Rjup and
mass a few Jupiters. Nhr2005
Mugrauer & Neuhauser (2005) reanalyze all relative astrometry and Mug2005b
conclude that pair is CPM and likely bound.
Guenther et al. (2005) determine spectral type of secondary M9V - L4V, Gue2005
Teff 1600-2500K.
Aa,Ab: Primary is T-Tauri type variable GQ Lup. Kraus et al. (2014)
estimate the mass of the companion at 31 +/- 3 Mjup. KsA2014
refcode metd author reference
Gue2005 A - Guenther, E.W., Neuhauser, R., Wuchterl, G., Mugrauer, M., Bedalov, A. & 2005AN....326..958G
Gue2005 Hauschildt, P.H.
Gue2005 AN 326, 958, 2005
KsA2014 A j Kraus, A.L., Ireland, M.J., Cieza, L.A., Hinkley, S., Dupuy, T.J., 2014ApJ...781...20K
KsA2014 Bowler, B.P., & Liu, M.C.
KsA2014 ApJ 781, 20, 2014
Mug2005b Hp - Mugrauer, M. & Neuhauser, R. 2005AN....326..701M
Mug2005b +A AN 326, 701, 2005
Nhr2005 A j Neuhauser, R., Guenther, E., Wuchterl, G., Mugrauer, M., Bedalov, A., & 2005A&A...435L..13N
Nhr2005 +Ao Hauschildt, P.H.
Nhr2005 +Hp A&A 435, L13, 2005
idgroup discov author
1 FMR Rica Romero, F.M.
197 FMR Rica, F., Barrena, R., Antonio Henriquez, J., Vazquez, G., Vazquez, C., Hernandez,
197 FMR D., Perez-Toledo, F., del Rosario, J.L., Vargas, P., de la Pinta, R. & Vila, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15492-3539 FMR 248 Aa,C 2015 2 115 16.1 11.40 18.40 K7V+M4 NT 154912.14-353903.9
15492-3539 FMR 248 Aa,C 2016 3 115 16.1 11.40 18.40 K7V+M4 NT 154912.14-353903.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.