WDS 19159+2018 J 2959 BC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
J 2959 Jonckheere gives BD as +20@4098, but position and magnitude agree with J__1945
refcode metd author reference
J__1945 Ma - Jonckheere, R. 1945JO.....28...26J
J__1945 +Mb J. Obs. 28, 26, 1945
idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19159+2018 J 2959 BC 1995 2 170 2.8 10.00 12.20 N 191552.60+201551.0
19159+2018 J 2959 BC 1997 3 173 4.2 11.80 13.60 N 191553.43+201636.3
19159+2018 J 2959 BC 2001 4 173 4.2 11.80 13.60 N D 191553.43+201636.3
19159+2018 J 2959 BC 2015 5 173 4.2 11.80 13.60 N 191553.43+201636.3

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