WDS 14135+5147 TOK 295 BC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF1821 kap Boo = 17 Boo. A is a Delta Scuti-type system. B is a long-period
spectroscopic binary with P = 1791.2d.
The 6101- and 6675-yr period solutions for the AB pair by Kiyaeva Kiy2006
(2006) assumed total system masses of 4.2 and 3.6 Msun, respectively.
P and T for the astrometric Ba,Bb solutions were adopted from the
spectroscopic solution of Bakos (1986, AJ 91, 1416), as was the
value of e (0.53) in the first solution.
H 3 11. MEv2010
refcode metd author reference
Kiy2006 orb - Kiyaeva, O.V. 2006SvAL...32..836K
Kiy2006 SvAL 32, 836, 2006 (Pisma Astron. Zhur. 32, 928, 2006)
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
idgroup discov author
1 STF Struve, F.G.W.
34 TOK Tokovinin, A.A.
81 TOK Tokovinin, A.A., Balega, Y.Y., Pluzhnik, E.A., Shatsky, N.I., Gorynya, N.A., &
81 TOK Weigelt, G.
95 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
95 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
163 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
163 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14135+5147 TOK 295 BC 1980 1 71 121.8 6.62 16.90 V 141327.80+514716.3
14135+5147 TOK 295 BC 2000 2 71 121.8 6.62 16.90 V 141327.80+514716.3
14135+5147 TOK 295 BC 2015 3 71 121.7 6.62 16.90 F1V NV 141327.80+514716.3

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