WDS 22146-1549 LLO 22 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Llo2002 A j Lloyd, J.P. 2002PhDT........14L
Llo2002 PhD dissertation, Univ. California, 2002
Llo2006 Am j Lloyd, J.P., Martinache, F., Ireland, M.J., Monnier, J.D., Pravdo, S.H., 2006ApJ...650L.131L
Llo2006 +orb Shaklan, S.B., & Tuthill, P.G.
Llo2006 ApJ 650, L131, 2006
Llo2007 Sa j Martinache, F., Lloyd, J.P., Ireland, M.J., Yamada, R.S., & Turhill, P.G. 2007ApJ...661..496M
Llo2007 +A ApJ 661, 496, 2007
Llo2007 +orb
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22146-1549 LLO 22 2001 3 65 22.3 4.34 11.90 G9.5IV-V K 221438.21-154906.7

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