WDS 22095-0733 TNN 16 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GJ 9769 Combined solution, based on reduction of Hipparcos intermediate
astrometric data together with spectroscopic elements from Marcy CPS1999a
et al. (1999). HaI2001
refcode metd author reference
CPS1999a Xh - Marcy, G.W., Butler, R.P., Vogt, S.S., Fischer, D., & Liu, M.C. 1999ApJ...520..239M
CPS1999a ApJ 520, 239, 1999
HaI2001 - Han, I., Black, D., & Gatewood, G. 2001ApJ...548L..57H
HaI2001 ApJ 548, L57, 2001
idgroup discov author
1 TNN Tanner, A.M., Gelino, C.R., & Law, N.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22095-0733 TNN 16 AB 2004 1 202 6.7 4.89 16.50 G0V N WK 220929.87-073255.1

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