WDS 15072-2930 HNK 2 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HNK 2 Member of Sco-Cen Association. Primary mass 1.72 +0.08/-0.11 Msun;
secondary mass estimated for B and C at 21 +30/-5 and 22 +38/-6 Mjup
(for age 10 Myr), or 50 +31/-33 and 54 +40/-30 Mjup (for age 20 Myr). Hnk2015
refcode metd author reference
Hnk2015 Am j Hinkley, S., Kraus, A.L., Ireland, M.J., Cheetham, A., Carpenter, J.M., 2015ApJ...806L...9H
Hnk2015 Tuthill, P., Lacour, S., Evans, T.M., & Hauboas, X.
Hnk2015 ApJL 806, 9, 2015
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15072-2930 HNK 2 AB 2011 1 281 0.2 7.30 13.00 A9V N K 150714.93-293016.1

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