WDS 22131-4145 CRU 9034 (HD 210691) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Cru1884 Ma j Cruls, L. 1884AnRio...41..97C
Cru1884 Ann. Rio de Janeiro Obs. 4, Pt.1, 97, 1884
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22131-4145 CRU9034 2000 3 207 104.6 9.00 9.30 G7III 221303.13-414437.5
22131-4145 CRU9034 2010 7 207 104.7 9.07 9.46 G7III 221303.13-414437.5
22131-4145 CRU9034 2015 8 207 104.8 9.07 9.46 G7III 221303.13-414437.5

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