WDS 12250-0414 TOK 400 AB (HD 108081) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
TOK 400 HIP 60574 is a spectroscopic triple with periods 14d and 22yr (Latham
2012, private communication), also an acceleration binary. We resolved
the outer pair at 0".22 separation, matching the spectroscopic period.
The lines of the visual secondary Ab could potentially be detected in
the spectrum by cross-correlation, leading eventually to a full 3-D
orbit. Tok2015c
refcode metd author reference
Tok2015c orb+j Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Mendez, R.A., & Horch, E.P. 2015AJ....150...50T
Tok2015c +St AJ 150, 50, 2015 (some measures corrected in Tok2017b) 2017AJ....154..110T
Tok2021f orb - Tokovinin, A. 2021IAUDS.204....1T
Tok2021f Inf. Circ. 204, 1, 2021
idgroup discov author
1 NSN Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12250-0414 TOK 400 AB 2019 8 253 0.1 8.10 11.90 G5V NO 122458.97-041332.3
12250-0414 TOK 400 AB 2020 9 210 0.1 8.10 11.90 G5V NO 122458.97-041332.3
12250-0414 TOK 400 AB 2021 10 166 0.1 8.10 11.90 G5V NO 122458.97-041332.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.