WDS 17153-3333 SNA 65 AB (NSV8388) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SNA 65 Aa,Ab: The primary is the Be star V1075 Sco. The star was reported to
be single in a RV study by Garmany et al. (1980, ApJ 242, 1063) but
reported as SB2 by Chini et al. (2012). Since no period has been Cii2012
published so far, one cannot decide if the 24.8mas Aa,Ab companion is
the spectroscopic one. Sna2014
refcode metd author reference
Cii2012 not - Chini, R., Hoffmeister, V.H., Nasseri, A., Stahl, O., & Zinnecker, H. 2012MNRAS.424.1925C
Cii2012 MNRAS 424, 1925, 2012
Sna2014 Kv j Sana, H., LeBouquin, J.-B., Lacour, S., Berger, J.-P., Duvert, G., Gauchet, L., 2014ApJS..215...15S
Sna2014 +A Norris, B., Olofsson, J., Pickel, D., Zins, G., Absil, O., de Koter, A.,
Sna2014 Kratter, K., Schnurr, O., & Zinnecker, H.
Sna2014 ApJS 215, 15, 2014
Sna2014 (NACO companions in Table 6 assumed physical if quoted probability of spurious
Sna2014 detection <10%, optical if >90%, otherwise indeterminate)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17153-3333 SNA 65 AB 2012 1 133 5.1 5.68 13.67 O7.5V K 171519.25-333254.3

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