WDS 02123+0335 PIN 3 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Pin2006 E2 - Pinfield, D.J., Jones, H.R.A., Lucas, P.W., Kendall, T.R., Folkes, S.L., 2006MNRAS.368.1281P
Pin2006 Day-Jones, A.C., Chappelle, R.J., & Steele, I.A.
Pin2006 MNRAS 368, 1281, 2006
Pin2006 (astrometry and additional photometry extracted from 2MASS by catalog editor)
Pin2012 Hw w Pinfield, D.J., Burningham, B., Lodieu, N., Leggett, S.K., Tinney, C.G., 2012MNRAS.422.1922P
Pin2012 +Ek van Spaandonk, L., Marocco, F., Smart, R., Gomes, J., Smith, L., Lucas, P.W.,
Pin2012 +Ci Day-Jones, A.C., et al.
Pin2012 +Hi MNRAS 422, 1922, 2012
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02123+0335 PIN 3 2000 1 40 504.8 10.04 20.50 M1.5 L? P 021220.98+033432.2

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