WDS 03296+2431 SAR 1 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SAR 1 HBC 347 = V1224 Tau.
refcode metd author reference
Sar1998 Hp j Sartoretti, P., Brown, R.A., Latham, D.W., & Torres, G. 1998A&A...334..592S
Sar1998 A&A 334, 592, 1998
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
03296+2431 SAR 1 AD 2000 2 197 24.4 12.05 18.40 K1 N D 032938.34+243038.1
03296+2431 SAR 1 AD 2015 3 197 23.9 12.05 18.40 K1 N 032938.34+243038.1

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