WDS 16273-2429 RAT 12 Ca,Cb : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
YLW 12 AB pair a.k.a. ALO 6.
refcode metd author reference
Rat2005 S j Ratzka, Th., Koehler, R., & Leinert, Ch. 2005A&A...437..611R
Rat2005 +A A&A 437, 611, 2005
Rat2009 K j Ratzka, Th., Schegerar, A.A., Leinert, Ch., Abraham, P., Henning, Th., 2009A&A...502..623R
Rat2009 Herbst, T.M., Koehler, R., Wolf, S., & Zinnecker, H.
Rat2009 A&A 502, 623, 2009
YLW1986 Ci - Young, E., Lada, C., & Wilking, B. 1986ApJ...304...45Y
YLW1986 ApJ 304, 45, 1986
YLW1986 (IRAS imaging of rho Oph cloud)
YLW1989 Ci - Wilking, B., Lada, C., & Young, E. 1989ApJ...340..823W
YLW1989 ApJ 340, 823, 1989
YLW1989 (IRAS imaging of rho Oph cloud)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16273-2429 RAT 12 Ca,Cb 2000 1 284 0.2 10.20 10.70 K 162718.49-242905.9

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