WDS 16228-2326 PRA 6 AC : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Pra2001 Ci - Prato, L., Ghez, A.M., Pina, R.K., Telesco, C.M., Fisher, R.S., Wizinowich, P., 2001ApJ...549..590P
Pra2001 +Si Lai, O., Acton, D.S., & Stomski, P.
Pra2001 +A ApJ 549, 590, 2001
Pra2003 Xr - Prato, L., Greene, T.P., & Simon, M. 2003ApJ...584..853P
Pra2003 +Ci ApJ 584, 853, 2003
Pra2007 Xr - Prato, L. 2007ApJ...657..338P
Pra2007 +Ci ApJ 657, 338, 2007
Pra2017 A j Allen, T.S., Prato, L., Wright-Garba, N., Schaefer, G., Biddle, L.I., Skiff, B., 2017ApJ...845..161A
Pra2017 +Zc Avilez, I., Muzzio, R., & Simon, M.
Pra2017 +orb ApJ 845, 161, 2017 (see paper for additional system BVI photometry, etc.)
Pra2019 A j Prato, L.
Pra2019 preliminary result from http://jumar.lowell.edu/BinaryStars/
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16228-2326 PRA 6 AC 2003 2 180 13.0 8.23 9.64 M0.5 M0.5 K 162246.80-232533.1

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