WDS 21346+4817 SWN 8 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Swn2012 Pa u Swann, M. ...................
Swn2012 +C Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 20, 2012
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21346+4817 SWN 8 1991 3 118 7.8 11.90 12.10 213357.10+484209.8
21346+4817 SWN 8 2003 5 119 7.8 12.70 12.70 B9V R 213437.11+481756.1
21346+4817 SWN 8 2015 6 119 7.8 12.70 12.70 B9V R 213437.11+481756.1

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