WDS 08377+0542 DRS 9 AB (Del Hya) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BUP 118 del Hya = 4 Hya. A spectroscopic binary.
refcode metd author reference
BUP Burnham proper motion stars (see Burnham, Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913) 1913QB811.B8.......
DRs2011 A j De Rosa, R.J., Bulger, J., Patience, J., Leland, B., Macintosh, B., Schnieder, A., 2011MNRAS.415..854D
DRs2011 Song, I., Marois, C. et al.
DRs2011 MNRAS 415, 854, 2011 (Note: position angle ambiguous for AEOS data)
DRs2012 A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Vigan, A., Wilson, P.A., Schnieder, A., 2012MNRAS.422.2765D
DRs2012 McConnell, N.J., Wiktorowicz, S.J., Marois, C., Song, I., Macintosh, B.,
DRs2012 Graham, J.R., Bessell, M.S., Doyon, R., & Lai, O.
DRs2012 MNRAS 422, 2765, 2012
DRs2012 (includes re-reduction of some data originally published in DRs2011) 2011MNRAS.415..854D
DRs2014a A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Wilson, P. A., Schneider, A., Wiktorowicz, S. J., 2014MNRAS.437.1216D
DRs2014a +E2 Vigan, A., Marois, C., Song, I., Macintosh, B., Graham, J. R., et al.
DRs2014a MNRAS 437, 1216, 2014
DRs2014a (Note: Paper includes data from multiple telescopes/filters. Telescope/filter for
DRs2014a given date estimated when possible from other papers by authors; otherwise
DRs2014a approximate filter information and mean telescope aperture of 5m listed.)
DRs2014b A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Ward-Duong, K., Vigan, A., Marois, C., Song, I., 2014MNRAS.445.3694D
DRs2014b Macintosh, B., Graham, J.R., Doyon, R., Bessell, M.S., et al.
DRs2014b MNRAS 445, 3694, 2014
DRs2019 A j De Rosa, R.J., Nielsen, E.L., Rameau, J., Duchene, G., Greenbaum, A.Z., Wang, J.J., 2019AJ....158..226D
DRs2019 Ammons, S.M., Bailey, V.P., Barman, T., Bulger, J., Chilcote, J., Cotten, T.,
DRs2019 Doyon, R., Esposito, T.M., Fitzgerald, M.P., Follette, K.B., Gerard, B.L.,
DRs2019 Goodsell, S.J., Graham, J.R., Hibon, P., Horn, J., Hung, L.-W., Ingraham, P.,
DRs2019 Kalas, P., Konopacky, Q., Larkin, J.E., Macintosh, B., Maire, J., Marchis, F.,
DRs2019 Marley, M.S., Marois, C., Metchev, S., Millar-Blanchaer, M.A., Oppenheimer, R.,
DRs2019 Palmer, D., Patience, J., Perrin, M., Poyneer, L., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A., Rantakyro,
DRs2019 F.T., Ren, B., Ruffio, J.-B., Savransky, D., Schneider, A.C., Sivaramakrishnan, A.,
DRs2019 Song, I., Soummer, R., Tallis, M., Thomas, S., Wallace, J.K., Ward-Duong, K.,
DRs2019 Wiktorowicz, S. & Wolff, S.
DRs2019 AJ 158, 226, 2019
DRs2019 MNRAS 445, 3694, 2014
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08377+0542 DRS 9 AB 2003 2 263 2.6 4.12 10.70 A1Vnn N DR 083739.37+054213.6
08377+0542 DRS 9 AB 2007 3 263 2.7 4.12 10.70 A1Vnn N R 083739.37+054213.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.