WDS 17311-6041 EHR 15 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
EHR 15 Primary is del Ara. Physical/optical nature of AB,AC,AD all undefined. Ehr2010
HJ 4951 AE: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components
using the method of apparent motion parameters. Kiy2008
del Ara Hipparcos astrometric solution assumed circular orbit (e = omega = 0) HIP1997d
refcode metd author reference
Ehr2010 Ao j Ehrenreich, D., Lagrange, A.-M., Montagnier, G., Chauvin, G., Galland, F. 2010A&A...523A..73E
Ehr2010 Beuzit, J.-L., & Rameau. J.
Ehr2010 A&A 523, A73, 2010
HIP1997d orb - Hipparcos 1997yCat.1239....0E
HIP1997d Hipparcos Catalog, ESA SP-1200, 1997
HIP1997d (DMSA/O Orbital Solutions)
Kiy2008 - Kiyaeva, O.V., Kiselev, A.A. & Izmailov, I.S. 2008SvAL...32..405K
Kiy2008 SvAL 34, 405, 2008
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17311-6041 EHR 15 AC 2009 1 51 8.6 3.70 13.00 B8Vn N DK 173105.91-604101.8

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