WDS 02132+4030 SHY 136 AB (V451 And) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SHY 136 AB: HIP 10339 + HIP 10321. B component is V450 And.
HEL 5 Ba,Bb: V450 And. Helminiak et al. (2016) resolve this SB and BY Dra
type variable, and derive a combined astrometric/spectroscopic orbit.
The secondary is shown to be an M-type star, rather than brown dwarf.
Resulting best-fit masses are 1.141 and 0.279 Msun (median values
1.113 +/- 0.065 and 0.277 +/- 0.021 Msun), respectively. Best-fit
parallax is 37.24 mas (median 37.34 +/- 0.55 mas). Hel2016
refcode metd author reference
Hel2016 A j Helminiak, K.G., Kuzuhara, M., Mede, K., Brandt, T.D., Kandori, R., Suenaga, T., 2016ApJ...832...33H
Hel2016 +orb Kusakabe, N., Narita, N., Carson, J., Currie, T., Kudo, T., Hashimoto, J., et al.
Hel2016 ApJ 832, 33, 2016
idgroup discov author
1 MET Metchev, S.A., Hillenbrand, L.A., & White, R.J.
13 SHY Shaya, E.J. & Olling, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02132+4030 SHY 136 AB 1998 3 340 615.5 7.44 7.28 G0V G0V NVD 021313.29+403028.2
02132+4030 SHY 136 AB 2003 15 340 615.3 7.44 7.28 G0V G0V NVD 021313.29+403028.2
02132+4030 SHY 136 AB 2014 17 340 615.3 7.44 7.28 G0V+G5V NV 021313.29+403028.2

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