WDS 17104+2107 ALP 20 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ALP 20 2MASSW J1710255+210715
Physical companionship to this ultracool dwarf ruled out based on i-z
and z-J colors, using photometry from SDSS. AlP2007
refcode metd author reference
AlP2007 Ci - Allen, P.R., Koerner, D.W., McElwain, M.W., Cruz, K.L., & Reid, I.N. 2007AJ....133..971A
AlP2007 AJ 133, 971, 2007
AlP2007 (deep-imaging search for wide companions to 132 M7-L8 dwarfs, using IRTF NSFCam)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17104+2107 ALP 20 AB 2001 1 278 7.7 15.74   N K 171025.45+210715.5

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