WDS 07267-3108 FMP 13 AB : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
FMP1980 - Fitzgerald, M.P., Harris, G.L.H., & Miller, M. 1980MNRAS.191...95F
FMP1980 MNRAS 191, 95, 1980
FMP1988 - Peterson, C.J. & Fitzgerald, M.P. 1988MNRAS.235.1439P
FMP1988 MNRAS 235, 1439, 1988
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07267-3108 FMP 13 AB 2000 1 311 8.6 12.00 14.00 A5V 072643.05-310749.4
07267-3108 FMP 13 AB 2015 4 311 8.6 12.00 14.00 A5V 072643.05-310749.4

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