WDS 20239+4655 PLT 9 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
PLT 9 ZZ Cyg. Plt1934
refcode metd author reference
Plt1934 - Plaut, L. 1934BAN.....7..181P
Plt1934 BAN 7, 181, 1934
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20239+4655 PLT 9 2000 2 31 5.0 11.00   N 202352.90+465514.5
20239+4655 PLT 9 2003 6 30 4.9 10.96 10.90 N D 202352.90+465514.5
20239+4655 PLT 9 2015 6 27 4.4 10.96 10.90 N 202352.90+465514.5

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