WDS 13349+7430 PRB 4 AE : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LDS1775 B component is NLTT 34606.
Possible common proper motion with BD+75@510, about 1900" distant.
G255-038. Besides the known companion at 14.275", Gliese & Jahreiss GJ_1988
list this star as a wide companion to G255-034, separated by 33'.
However, the different Hipparcos distances to G255-038 and G255-034,
and the different measurements of mu_delta, suggest that the two stars
are not related. Oso2004
PRB 4 C, D, and E components are NLTT 34503, NLTT 33451, and WD 1337+70 =
NLTT 34829, respectively. E is also the primary of 13388+7017 KUI 122.
All are possible CPM pairs, according to Probst (1983). Prb1983
refcode metd author reference
GJ_1988 Pa - Gliese, W. & Jahreiss, H. 1988Ap&SS.142...49G
GJ_1988 Ap&SS 142, 49, 1988 (Third Catalog of Nearby Stars)
Oso2004 C j Zapatero Osorio, M.R. & Martin, E.L. 2004A&A...419..167Z
Oso2004 +Pa A&A 419, 167, 2004
Prb1983 Ci - Probst, R.G. 1983ApJS...53..335P
Prb1983 ApJS 53, 335, 1983
Prb1983 (JHK photometry of WDs, list of possible CPM pairs with coarse astrometry)
idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13349+7430 PRB 4 AE 1999 1 176 999.9 10.36 12.79 K5D DA N D 133454.61+743001.6

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