WDS 05337+0157 LWR 6 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LWR 6 V371 Ori
refcode metd author reference
Lwr1999 Hn j Lowrance, P.J., McCarthy, C., Becklin, E.E., Zuckerman, B., Schneider, G., 1999ApJ...512L..69L
Lwr1999 +Ci Webb, R.A., Hines, D.C., Kirkpatrick, J.D., et al.
Lwr1999 +C ApJ 512, L69, 1999
Lwr1999b Hn j Lowrance, P.J., Weinberger, A., & Schneider, G. 2000ApJ...530..867W
Lwr1999b +Ci private communication, 1999 (as cited by Wnt2000)
Lwr2000 Hn j Lowrance, P.J., Schneider, G., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Becklin, E.E., Weinberger, A.J., 2000ApJ...541..390L
Lwr2000 Zuckerman, B., Plair, P., Malmuth, E.M., et al.
Lwr2000 ApJ 541, 390, 2000
Lwr2001 Hn j Lowrance, P.J, Becklin, E.E., Schneider, G., & NICMOS IDT EONS and STIS 8176 teams 2001ASPC..244..309L
Lwr2001 "Young Stars Near Earth: Progress and Prospects", ASP Conf. 244, 309, 2001
Lwr2002 E2 w Lowrance, P.J., Kirkpatrick, J.D., & Beichman, C.A. 2002ApJ...572L..79L
Lwr2002 ApJ 572, L79, 2002 (2MASS and POSS plates)
Lwr2005 H+ j Lowrance, P.J., Becklin, E.E., Schneider, G., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Weinberger, A.J., 2005AJ....130.1845L
Lwr2005 +E2 Zuckerman, B., Dumas, C., Beuzit, J.-L., et al.
Lwr2005 +A AJ 130, 1845, 2005
Lwr2005 +Pp
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05337+0157 LWR 6 1998 3 290 9.7 11.52   M2.5 N D 053344.79+015643.4

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