WDS 23377-1304 BU 1530 CD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 316 Aka H N 35 = BDS 12465. Bu_1906
BU 1530 CD: This measure is from the galaxy NGC 7723 near BU 1530 to a nearby Dam2013
star. Redesignated from AC (which was wrong) to CD and X coded.
refcode metd author reference
Bu_1906 Ma j Burnham, S.W. 1906QB821.B972.....
Bu_1906 +M Burnham Double Star Cat., 1906
Dam2013 Es j Damm, F. ...................
Dam2013 private communication, 2013
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
179 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23377-1304 BU 1530 CD 2000 2 223 154.4 5.65 12.60 NX 233856.60-125735.0
23377-1304 BU 1530 CD 2015 4 223 153.8 13.74 14.11 NX 233857.10-125740.1

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