WDS 23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BU 1529 CD: This measure is from the galaxy NGC 7671 near BU 1529 to Dam2013
BD+11 5002. Redesignated from AC (which was wrong) to CD and X coded.
The measure of AC here is not this CD pairing. FyM2013
refcode metd author reference
Dam2013 Es j Damm, F. ...................
Dam2013 private communication, 2013
FyM2013 C j Fay, M. 2013OED....10...38F
FyM2013 El Observador de Estrellas Dobles, Issue #10, 38, 2013
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 1997 7 252 21.8 8.88 11.57 K2 D 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 1999 8 252 21.8 8.88 11.57 K2 D 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 2010 9 253 22.0 8.88 11.57 K2 D 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 2011 11 253 21.9 8.88 11.57 K2 D 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 2014 12 252 21.9 8.88 11.57 K2 N 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 2015 13 253 21.9 8.88 11.57 K2 N 232313.30+122615.6
23232+1226 HJ 3188 AB 2019 17 253 21.7 8.88 11.57 K2 N 232313.30+122615.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.