WDS 22420-2933 JSP 838 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Jsp1937 Ma j Jessup, M.K. 1937MmRAS..65...51R
Jsp1937 MemRAS 65, 51, 1937
Jsp1955 Ma j Jessup, M.K. 1955POMic..11....1R
Jsp1955 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 11, 1, 1955
Jsp1964 Ma j Jessup, M.K. 1964POMic...9...73R
Jsp1964 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 9, 73, 1964
Jsp9999 Ma - Jessup, M.K. ...................
Jsp9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22420-2933 JSP 838 1945 3 227 2.7 9.40 12.90 A8/9V 224200.92-293235.5
22420-2933 JSP 838 2015 4 228 2.9 9.40 12.90 A8/9V S 224200.92-293235.5

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