22052+0911 HJ 3087 (Iot Peg)

22h 05m 12.94s +09° 11' 03.5" P.A. 100.00 sep 29.9 mag 8.54,12.16 Sp K0 dist. 11.73 pc (38.26 l.y.)
Coord 2000 22052+0911 Discov num HJ 3087 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 05 12.94 +09 11 03.5
Date first 1830 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 104 Pa last 99.5 P.A. Now (θ) 99.5°
Sep first 30.0 Sep last 29.932 Sep. Now (ρ) 29.932"
Mag pri 8.54 Mag sec 12.16 delta mag (ΔM) 3.62 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +008
Pri motion dec -014 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name Iot Peg Var name NSV14034 Peg Constellation Pegasus SAO 127277
HIP 109176 Tycho2 1136-00039-1 Gaia DR2 2725391361901178112 HD 210027
HR 8430 GC 30932 GL Gl 848 BD BD+08 4788
Bayer Iota Pegasi Bayer name Iot Peg FK5 831 Distance 11.73
Distance ly 38.26 Bayer greek ι Peg
Period (P)10.213025d± 0.000002 Periastron (T)52997.378m (2003.979y)± 0.052 Semi-major axis (a)10.329m± 0.016
Eccentricity (e)0.001764± 0.000063 Inclination (i)95.83°± 0.12 Longitude of periastron (ω)272.8°± 0.18
Node (Ω)176.262°± 0.075 Notesn ReferenceKnc2010
Equinox2000 Last observation Grade8(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000-01-01 357.8 0.010
2001-01-01 146.8 0.002
2002-01-01 176.8 0.010
2003-01-01 279.0 0.001
2004-01-01 356.0 0.010
2005-01-01 33.5 0.002
2006-01-01 175.0 0.010
2007-01-01 195.1 0.003
2008-01-01 354.1 0.010
2009-01-01 8.3 0.005
2010-01-01 172.9 0.009
2011-01-01 184.7 0.006
2012-01-01 351.6 0.008
2013-01-01 2.4 0.007
2014-01-01 169.8 0.007
2015-01-01 180.7 0.008
2016-01-01 347.5 0.006
2017-01-01 359.5 0.009
2018-01-01 163.6 0.004
2019-01-01 178.3 0.010
2020-01-01 336.2 0.003
2021-01-01 357.4 0.010
2022-01-01 134.6 0.002
2023-01-01 176.5 0.010
2024-01-01 244.0 0.001
2025-01-01 355.6 0.010
2026-01-01 23.3 0.002
2027-01-01 174.6 0.010
2028-01-01 191.6 0.004
2029-01-01 353.6 0.009
2030-01-01 6.6 0.005

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds22070%2B2521r.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic