01492-8821 CPO 28 (HD 16477)

01h 49m 11.85s -88° 21' 26.7" P.A. 215.00 sep 7.1 mag 8.02,10.54 Sp B9/9.5V dist. 540.54 pc (1763.24 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01492-8821 Discov num CPO  28 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 49 11.85 -88 21 26.7
Date first 1901 Date last 2016 Obs 13
Pa first 205 Pa last 214.7 P.A. Now (θ) 214.7°
Sep first 7.4 Sep last 7.133 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.133"
Mag pri 8.02 Mag sec 10.54 delta mag (ΔM) 2.52 Spectral class B9/9.5V (blue-white)
Pri motion ra +024 Sec motion ra +018
Pri motion dec +014 Sec motion dec +012
rPM=0.228 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name HD 16477 Constellation Octans SAO 258291 HIP 8469
Tycho2 9502-00114-1 Gaia DR2 4612076521151426816 HD 16477 GC 2590
CP CP-88 22 Distance 540.54 Distance ly 1763.24
WDS 01492-8821 CPO 28 (HD 16477) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CPO Cape Observatory
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01492-8821 CPO 28 2000 8 214 7.2 8.02 10.54 B9/9.5V D 014911.85-882126.7
01492-8821 CPO 28 2010 10 215 6.7 8.02 10.54 B9/9.5V 014911.85-882126.7
01492-8821 CPO 28 2015 11 215 7.1 8.02 10.54 B9/9.5V 014911.85-882126.7
01492-8821 CPO 28 2016 13 215 7.1 8.02 10.54 B9/9.5V 014911.85-882126.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01492-8821 CPO 28 (HD 16477) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01492-8821 (HD 16477) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01492-8821 CPO  28A mag 8.02 Sp B9/9.5V 01492-8821 CPO  28B sep 5.9 P.A. 181.10 mag 10.54 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01492-8821 (HD 16477) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 49m 11.85s -88° 21' 26.7"
WDS 01492-8821 CPO 28 (HD 16477) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01492-8821  CPO  28 distance=1' 02091-8924  TDS2136 distance=63' 01503-8714  HDS 247 distance=68' 01470-8621  TDS2003 distance=121' 01322-8617  TDS1905 distance=125' 01360-8438  TDS1924 distance=224' 02026-8421  UC  673 distance=241' 01429-8322  HDS 227 distance=300' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01492-8821 CPO 28 215 7.1 1
Show 02091-8924 TDS2136 141 2.4 63
Show 01503-8714 HDS 247 80 0.1 68
Show 01470-8621 TDS2003 199 0.5 121
Show 01322-8617 TDS1905 179 0.4 125
Show 01360-8438 TDS1924 313 0.7 224
Show 02026-8421 UC 673 190 9.0 241
Show 01429-8322 HDS 227 73 0.3 300

WDS 01492-8821 : COMPONENTS
B pa=181.1°
01492-8821 A
Name HD 16477 Coord arcsec 2000 014911.85-882126.7 Mag 8.02 Spectral class B9/9.5V (blue-white)
PmRA 24.00 PmDE 14.0 SAO 258291 HIP 8469
Tycho2 9502-00114-1 HD 16477 GC 2590 CP CP-88 22
Tycho2 9502-00114-1 Pflag RAmdeg 27.29936391 DEmdeg -88.35742035
PmRA 22.7 PmDE 12.0 E RAmdeg 5 E DEmdeg 5
E pmRA 0.7 E pmDE 0.7 EpRAm 1990.91 EpDEm 1990.96
Num 17 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 2.2 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 2.3 BTmag 8.057 E BTmag 0.015 VTmag 8.022
E VTmag 0.011 Prox 71 TYC T HIP 8469
CCDM A RAdeg 27.29755028 DEdeg -88.35744750 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 5.0 E DEdeg 5.0 Posflg
Corr -0.1
SAO 258291 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0508
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.015 Vmag 7.9 SpType A0
Double code Source 70 CatNum 2590 DM CP-88 22
DMcomp BDsup HD 16477 M HD 0
GC 2590 RA1950rad 0.55548063 DE1950rad -1.54636189 PmRA2000 0.0438
PmDE2000 0.01
Catalog H HIP 8469 Proxy H RAhms 01 49 11.40
DEdms -88 21 26.8 Vmag 7.94 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 27.2975 DEdeg -88.3574 AstroRef A Plx 3.1
CCDM 01491-8821 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual A M HIP AB
Theta 215 Rho 7.11 HD 16477 BD
CD CP CP-88 22 Dm number -88 22 VIred 0.01
SpType B9/B9.5V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 014911.40-882126.8
Hipparcos 2
HIP 8469 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.476431295 DErad -1.5421283659 Plx 1.85 PmRA 18.39
PmDE 8.63 E RArad 0.58 E DErad 0.56 E Plx 0.66
E pmRA 0.68 E pmDE 0.72 Hpmag 7.966 E Hpmag 0.0013
SHp 0.012 VA 0 BV 0.051 E BV 0.012
VI 0.06
01492-8821 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014911.58-882132.6 Mag 10.54 PmRA 18.00 PmDE 12.0
Calc delta mag 2.52 Calc coord yes