21598+2356 STF 2850 (OU Peg)

21h 59m 49.60s +23° 56' 27.4" P.A. 264.00 sep 2.8 mag 7.00,11.00 Sp M5 dist. 621.12 pc (2026.09 l.y.)
Coord 2000 21598+2356 Discov num STF2850 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 59 49.60 +23 56 27.4
Date first 1830 Date last 1983 Obs 15
Pa first 263 Pa last 264 P.A. Now (θ) 264°
Sep first 2.8 Sep last 2.82 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.82"
Mag pri 7.00 Mag sec 11.00 delta mag (ΔM) 4 Spectral class M5 (red)
Pri motion ra -006 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -027 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Var name OU Peg Constellation Pegasus SAO 90155 HIP 108588
Tycho2 2203-01564-1 Gaia DR2 1795337256472746624 HD 209026 GC 30777
ADS 15525 BD BD+23 4442 Distance 621.12 Distance ly 2026.09
WDS 21598+2356 STF 2850 (OU Peg) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF2850 A is an irregular variable.
refcode metd author reference
STFA (F. Struve DD - Appendix list #1) ...................
STFB (F. Struve DD - Appendix list #2) ...................
StF1833A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1833MmRAS...5...13H
StF1833A +Mc cited by Herschel (MemRAS 5, 13, 1833)
StF1833B Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1833AN.....10..389B
StF1833B cited by Bessel (AN 10, 389, 1833)
StF1837 Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1837AN.....14...249
StF1837 Stellarum duplicium et multiplicium mensurae micrometricae...
StF1837 (Dorpat, Academiae scientiarum caesareae petropolitaneifique), 1837
StF1844A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1844QB43.S66.......
StF1844A cited by Smyth (Cycle of Celestial Objects 2, 1844)
StF1852A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. .
StF1852A cited by Bishop (Bishop Obs. Astron. Observations 1852)
StF1865A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1865AN.....64...81E
StF1865A cited by Engelmann (AN 64, 81, #1518, 1865)
StF1875A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1875AN.....85..323D
StF1875A cited by Doberck, 1875 (see Dob1875b,f,g,h)
StF1878 Ma - Struve, F.G.W. .
StF1878 Pulkova Observations 9, 1878
StF1878B Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1878Obs.....2..239G
StF1878B cited by Gledhill (Obs 2, 239, 1878)
StF1880A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1880Obs.....3..535G
StF1880A cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 535, 1880)
StF1906A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1906QB821.B972.....
StF1906A cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
StF1906B Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
StF1906B cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
StF1922A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1922AN....216...49R
StF1922A cited by Rabe (AN 216, 49, 1922)
StF1932A Ma - Struve, F.G.W. 1932QB821.A43......
StF1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
StF2002 - - Weis, J.
StF2002 F. G. W. Struve's double stars : the Dorpat catalogue; the Pulkovo catalogue
StF2002 USNO Library : QB 821 .S8 W49 2002
StF2022 - - email note from Jan Weis: 6 July 2022
StF9999 Ma - Struve, F.G.W. ...................
StF9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21598+2356 STF2850 1983 15 264 2.8 7.00 11.00 M5 N 215949.60+235627.4

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