21524+0938 RED 18

21h 52m 26.09s +09° 37' 57.5" P.A. 118.00 sep 0.3 mag 16.75,16.80 Sp L6+L6
Coord 2000 21524+0938 Discov num RED  18 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 52 26.09 +09 37 57.5
Date first 2005 Date last 2008 Obs 4
Pa first 106 Pa last 117.7 P.A. Now (θ) 117.7°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.327 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.327"
Mag pri 16.75 Mag sec 16.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.05 Spectral class L6+L6 (very deep red/very deep red)
Pri motion ra +294 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +170 Sec motion dec
Notes N K (See Notes, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus
WDS 21524+0938 RED 18 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
RED 18 2MASS J21522609+0937575. Spectral types L6: and L6: Red2006b
refcode metd author reference
Red2006b Hn j Reid, I.N., Lewitus, E., Allen, P., Cruz, K.L., & Burgasser, A.J., 2006AJ....132..891R
Red2006b +E2 AJ 132, 891, 2006
idgroup discov author
1 RED Reid, I.N.
14 RED Reid, I.N., Lewitus, E., Allen, P., Cruz, K.L., & Burgasser, A.J.,
14 RED AJ 132, 891, 2006
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21524+0938 RED 18 2005 1 106 0.3 16.75 16.80 L6+L6 N DK 215226.09+093757.5
21524+0938 RED 18 2008 2 118 0.3 16.75 16.80 L6 L6 N DK 215226.09+093757.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21524+0938 RED 18 : MEASURES
No records found.


21524+0938 RED  18A mag 16.75 Sp L6 21524+0938 RED  18B sep 0.3 P.A. 118.00 mag 16.8 Sp L6 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21524+0938 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 52m 26.09s +09° 37' 57.5"
Primaries only

21524+0938  RED  18 distance=0' 21526+0925  HJ  948 distance=13' 21532+0948  LDS4918 distance=16' 21535+0942  UC  266 distance=16' 21523+0958  CHE 324 distance=21' 21537+0954  GWP3103 distance=25' 21519+0905  STF2833 distance=34' 21500+0941  GWP3100 distance=36' 21502+0922  RAO 624 distance=37' 21523+1024  TDT3207 distance=46' 21496+0920  HJ 3060 distance=46' 21511+1022  COU2549AB distance=49' 21511+1022  HEI 599AC distance=49' 21539+0851  GRV 518 distance=53' 21562+0935  A   621 distance=56' 21539+0845  J  2703AB distance=59' 21539+0845  J  2703AC distance=59' 21539+0845  ABH 153AD distance=59' 21539+0845  ABH 153AE distance=59' 21504+0839  HJ  944 distance=67' 21514+1052  LDS4917 distance=76' 21473+0956  UC 4563 distance=78' 21570+0900  SKF2809 distance=78' 21513+0821  STF2831 distance=79' 21539+1102  GWP3105 distance=88' 21555+1053  BU   75AB distance=88' 21555+1053  BU   75AB,C distance=88' 21513+0808  STE  15AB distance=92' 21513+0808  YSC 164Aa,Ab distance=92' 21586+0931  HJ 3077 distance=93' 21468+1030  J   201 distance=98' 21572+1047  A   622 distance=99' 21573+0825  HJ 5523 distance=106' 21451+0925  GWP3091 distance=110' 21448+1009  GRV 498 distance=117' 21521+0739  OSO 158AB distance=120' 21521+0739  OSO 158AC distance=120' 21460+1053  BU 1305BC distance=121' 21476+1116  BPM2407 distance=121' 22005+0926  GRV 528 distance=122' 21460+1053  BU 1305AD distance=122' 21460+1053  BU 1305AE distance=122' 21460+1053  BU 1305AF distance=122' 21460+1053  BU 1305AG distance=122' 21460+1053  BU 1305A,BC distance=122' 21442+0953  S   798AB (Enif) distance=123' 21442+0953  S   798AC (Enif) distance=123' 21544+0738  CVR 254 distance=124' 21449+1040  HJ  285 distance=127' 21591+0814  GWP3110 distance=130' 21479+1136  BPM2408 distance=137' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21524+0938 RED 18 118 0.3 0
Show 21526+0925 HJ 948 300 15.1 13
Show 21532+0948 LDS4918 348 9.9 16
Show 21535+0942 UC 266 222 122.1 16
Show 21523+0958 CHE 324 191 14.2 21
Show 21537+0954 GWP3103 230 32.3 25
Show 21519+0905 STF2833 337 8.4 34
Show 21500+0941 GWP3100 222 67.6 36
Show 21502+0922 RAO 624 331 1.5 37
Show 21523+1024 TDT3207 315 1.7 46
Show 21496+0920 HJ 3060 232 18.3 46
Show 21511+1022 COU2549 AB 86 0.1 49
Show 21511+1022 HEI 599 AC 82 0.2 49
Show 21539+0851 GRV 518 329 40.5 53
Show 21562+0935 A 621 86 0.1 56
Show 21539+0845 J 2703 AB 97 6.8 59
Show 21539+0845 J 2703 AC 223 14.3 59
Show 21539+0845 ABH 153 AD 120 67.5 59
Show 21539+0845 ABH 153 AE 110 67.3 59
Show 21504+0839 HJ 944 17 20.4 67
Show 21514+1052 LDS4917 93 41.2 76
Show 21473+0956 UC 4563 269 30.4 78
Show 21570+0900 SKF2809 303 104.4 78
Show 21513+0821 STF2831 355 14.5 79
Show 21539+1102 GWP3105 113 4.3 88
Show 21555+1053 BU 75 AB 26 1.1 88
Show 21555+1053 BU 75 AB,C 211 35.3 88
Show 21513+0808 STE 15 AB 248 5.9 92
Show 21513+0808 YSC 164 Aa,Ab 10 0.5 92
Show 21586+0931 HJ 3077 36 36.1 93
Show 21468+1030 J 201 224 2.7 98
Show 21572+1047 A 622 284 0.2 99
Show 21573+0825 HJ 5523 204 20.4 106
Show 21451+0925 GWP3091 119 16.9 110
Show 21448+1009 GRV 498 59 37.3 117
Show 21521+0739 OSO 158 AB 126 10.4 120
Show 21521+0739 OSO 158 AC 30 13.2 120
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 BC 52 1.3 121
Show 21476+1116 BPM2407 143 39.7 121
Show 22005+0926 GRV 528 235 21.4 122
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 AD 47 49.2 122
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 AE 66 81.8 122
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 AF 235 42.8 122
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 AG 297 98.7 122
Show 21460+1053 BU 1305 A,BC 90 89.2 122
Show Enif 21442+0953 S 798 AB 323 83.2 123
Show Enif 21442+0953 S 798 AC 318 143.9 123
Show 21544+0738 CVR 254 73 13.1 124
Show 21449+1040 HJ 285 55 8.0 127
Show 21591+0814 GWP3110 31 19.6 130
Show 21479+1136 BPM2408 52 87.5 137

WDS 21524+0938 : COMPONENTS
B pa=118.0°
21524+0938 A
Coord arcsec 2000 215226.09+093757.5 Mag 16.75 Spectral class L6 (very deep red) PmRA 294.00
PmDE 170.0
21524+0938 B
Coord arcsec 2000 215226.11+093757.3 Mag 16.8 Spectral class L6 (very deep red) Calc delta mag 0.05
Calc coord yes